Are You Ready to Transform Your Life and Embrace a Vibrant, Peaceful Existence?

Do you often feel overwhelmed by your emotions? Bodily sensations that accompany anxiety, anger, or even love can paralyze you, disrupt your flow, or even sabotage your relationships. If you relate to this, you struggle with a dysregulated nervous system that hinders your ability to feel fully alive and live happily.

Now, imagine a life where you have the tools to manage your emotions effectively. In doing this, you create a sense of balance and calm that radiates from within. If you are looking to improve your relationships and feel more invigorated and confident,my new course could be right for you.

Introducing PATHWAYS TO PEACE: Mindful Practices for Transformative and Vibrant Living!

Pathways to Peace, a 5-week online video course, strengthens you with tools to diminish reactivity, embrace both challenges and pleasures with grace, manage stress, and flourish in the face of uncertainty.

Through insightful video sessions, daily actionable practices, and a supportive online community, this course will help you identify emotional triggers, enhance your relationships, and build long-term resiliency.

Pathway to Peace on Devices

This course is for you if you...

  • Crave more pleasure, joy, peace, intentionality, self-acceptance and presence
  • Desire less self-sabotage and reactivity in your daily life
  • Feel alone in your healing work
  • Get distracted by being overwhelmed and need new tools to quickly regain perspective
  • Developed coping mechanisms in childhood that prevent you from enjoying fulfilling relationships
  • Completed years of talk therapy but still have the same reactions to stressful situations
  • Feel stuck and need help to take action when challenges arise
  • Need more structure and accountability than you are currently experiencing
  • Want to develop tools for when you are in an active crisis
  • Long to trust your instincts and make decisions with clarity
  • Are ready to discover how small changes add up when you engage in daily rituals

If that sounds like you, then take it as a call for you to enroll into the Pathways to Peace course.

But I want to be honest, this course is not for everyone. It is not for you if...

  • You are unwilling to try new practices
  • You are married to your current identity and disinterested in doing the work to change
  • Being right means more to you than being connected to those you care about
  • You are unwilling to take responsibility for your internal state and reactions

Welcome Video

At the end of this course, you will...

  • Feel your emotions, and know what your body’s sensations are communicating

  • Engage in daily embodiment practices that help you feel more grounded and centered

  • Understand your nervous system, your reactions, and the necessity of compassion

  • Identify what dysregulates you and gain tools to calm yourself

  • Think more clearly and gain perspective when you’re overwhelmed

  • Manage anxiety and destructive impulses

  • Take responsibility for your reactivity and not live life as a victim

  • Deepen awareness of generational, cultural, developmental, and social trauma and how they’ve shaped your beliefs

What is included in this course?

  • 20 Video Lessons designed to empower you to manage your emotional states effectively and live a more vibrant, fulfilling life

  • Exercises, practices, and reflection prompts to apply the lesson each day

  • Exclusive membership into the Pathways to Peace: Mindful Practices to Banish Anxiety, Develop Self-Acceptance, and Live a More Vibrant Life, a place for you to support each other throughout your healing journey

  • You will be the first to know about upcoming retreats, events, and offers in the future

This course is compact and effective, designed to support you on your journey and save you hundreds of dollars on content.

Spaces are limited—don’t miss your chance to transform. Sign up today to secure your spot in 'Pathways to Peace' and start your journey toward a balanced, fulfilled, and vibrant life.

Course Outline

    1. A welcome message from Charna, your Instructor

    1. What does passionate living mean to you?

    2. What has to happen for you to get you TO your goal?

    3. Finding a compelling way of being

    4. What in your life makes it harder for you to BE that being?

    5. What in your life currently supports your goals, actions, and practices?

    1. Self-tracking and Self-Limiting

    2. Intro to Basic regulation tools we will use daily

    3. Length, width, depth practice and Bone breathing

    4. Reframing limiters as protectors

    5. Get specific about where limiters are showing up

    6. Acceptance practice

    1. Hypo vs Hyper Arousal/Window of Tolerance

    2. Quiz For Assessing Regulation Tendencies

    3. Somatic self-assessment (Set the bar)

    4. What is your current capacity in stressful situations?

    5. Dysregulation in Relationships

    6. Identifying your triggers

    1. Overview - Practices for expanding your personal Window

    2. Identifying strategies to respond to triggers

    3. Identifying a specific grab

    4. Grab (BONUS) exercise

    5. Integrating boundaries and identifying your pace

    1. Recapping the Tools

    2. Next step offerings

    3. Course Evaluation Survey

    4. Pathways to Peace Workbook

About this course

  • 27 lessons

"Grateful for Charna's insights and knowledge -- Distilled from 30 years+ of experience and put into an easily understood, accessible, and enjoyable format."

- Marisa R

Charna Cassell
Trauma-Trained Psychotherapist & Sexuality Coach

Why work with me?

I have:

  • 35 years of experience healing my nervous system.
  • Over 20 years in private practice as a coach and psychotherapist.
  • Training in holding the complexity of power and all aspects of identity (race, culture, ancestry religion, sexuality)
  • A tailored philosophy that does not use a formulaic or one-size-fits all approach
  • A sense of humor, authenticity, and transparency
  • A trauma-informed approach

To learn more about me, please click here.
Charna Headshot

Here’s What Clients Have To Say
About The Course Instructor, Charna

This course provided me with tools that I was able to implement immediately. For the same price someone might pay a practitioner to support them just once or twice, participants can instead get the skills to support themselves for a lifetime. I put the strategies to use immediately, in situations where I am otherwise very reactive, and I could pay more attention to how my body responded and was able to sit with my feelings for longer.

I am looking forward to continuing my practice and grateful for Charna's insights and knowledge - distilled from 30 years+ of experience and put into an easily understood, accessible, and enjoyable format.

Marisa R

I worked with Charna for as long as I did because she was amazing to work with in the sense that she was present, caring, insightful, and very skilled at what she does, all in a space that felt safe.

I developed increased self-awareness and breathing exercises. I'm much more aware of my emotions, how I express them, and how they present physically. This helps me to better understand myself and better navigate relationships.

Project Manager

Charna made me feel heard while reflecting back in a way that pushed me to confront my own assumptions, stories, and biases. From our work, I have discovered my many parts and have allowed myself some grace around how I have become who I am today. I am able to appreciate all the parts and show compassion to myself in a way that allows me to then take a more compassionate flow to the world. I feel like a better person who is more true to herself because of our work together.

Business Coach

Acknowledgment and making space for healing and self-love were central in my journey working with you. I remember a session months in, where I confronted charged feelings in my back, and under your guidance, my body revealed, "you aren't ready to know." This led to a pivotal conversation with my dad about my experiences as a queer person in the Mennonite church, helping me realize that his inability to fully hear me was a reflection of his own unresolved issues. Remarkably, being unheard didn’t break me; instead, I found compassion for both of us. This process has significantly deepened my trust in my body and enhanced my self-love, allowing me to move past immediate self-criticism during challenging moments.


After many years of working on building new coping mechanisms and growing as a person, I have expertise in what has worked for me and where I tend to get stuck. As a professional with multifaceted training in approaches to addressing trauma, you bring a wealth of tools to our work and offer them as I am ready for them. As part of this process, you also let me circle back over material as I needed to, coming to new insights and deeper understandings while helping me not to criticize myself for this revisiting.

I have appreciated your willingness to jump into parts work with me, even when I had developed a lot of the understanding of my parts prior to us working together. Simultaneously i appreciate that we can set that work aside and think about me as a whole adult self when that is what is most helpful.


Charna has provided expert guidance, emotional translation and space holding during our work together. For over a year, she's helped bring clarity and strength during some momentous transitions in my life. Her professionalism and vibrancy conjures an intensely wonderful space to work together within and I have nothing but gratitude for her. My only regret is that I did not find Charna and begin our work together sooner.

Los Angeles

I got so much out of the time that I spent with Charna. It was my first exposure to somatic therapy, and through the work with Charna I was able to access places in myself that several talk therapy experiences in the past had not even brought me close to. Charna embodies a perfect balance between gentle compassion and solid strength. She creates a space that feels very safe, and from that space she was able to teach me how to find safety in my body, so that I can feel grounded even when emotions are running high. I learned skills that have served me so well. I worked with her individually, and I also had an opportunity to do couples counseling with her, which was super helpful. I recommend her whole-heartedly!

Santa Rosa, CA

Charna helped me develop tools to match my desires. Just because I have desires to be respected, to have boundaries, and to find out what my needs are doesn’t mean I have the tools to achieve those things in my life. Charna really helped me examine my values, gain new tools and then know which tools I need to practice with to create a life that meets my wishes.

Maya, 42

Video Testimonial

The Investment

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me via email.

  • Trigger Warning

    This is a path of self-responsibility inside a group container with limited support. By taking part in this, you agree that you have good emotional, physical, and mental foundations to ensure you can support whatever might come up to be seen, released, or integrated.

  • Is the content downloadable?

    PDFs and audio files of daily practices will be downloadable. The video content is not downloadable, which means you need an online connection to view them.

  • How long do I have access to the content for?

    You will have 12 months of access to the course.

  • How is the content delivered?

    The classes are accessed via your course library in Thinkific. Upon purchase, you'll receive a link to create your account.The audios and PDF transcripts of the course will be downloadable but videos will not be. Daily reminders will be sent to your email.

  • Do you offer refunds?

    Please consider if this is the right time to take this course. Remember you will have access for a whole year, as well as recordings of group calls, but all sales are final. There are no refunds permitted.

  • Will this course help me heal trauma?

    While many of the tools are useful in addressing the symptoms of trauma, if you are in active crisis this course alone will not be enough support. The work here is a beginning process and may open up feelings that you want to have resources to help process through.

  • Who is this course for?

    This is essential foundational work and will benefit people at all stages. If you are a post-trauma thriver or currently in somatic therapy, it will reinforce the work you are already doing. If you are just starting on a healing path, it will help you establish a structure and understanding for how healing happens and introduce you to the benefits of practice.

  • Is it okay for me to do if I have mental health issues?

    I would love to say yes but the truth is, sometimes you may need more support than I can give you in an online forum space. In general, if you are really struggling emotionally or find yourself deep in your pain, right now might not be the time to join this course unless you have additional support. The content may trigger feelings that are best handled with the support of an in-person therapist. If you have further questions about this, please reach out to me and we can discuss them.

It is time to start your journey towards a more vibrant and passionate life. Are you ready?